Where Music & Dance Fall Face First Into The Internet

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Kiss The Girl... Continued

Spintown News:
YouTuber 'mrcrud5' might be providing Spintown with some music. If you saw the 2 Girls 1 Cup Rock Cover I featured a few days ago you're familiar with his work.

Kiss The Girl... Continued
This is a great parody of a classic Disney song.

Don't Stop Believing
PS22 Chorus takes on a great Journey song.

If you liked the 'Alice In Wonderland' video remix that went around awhile back, you'll like this 'Mary Poppin's' video remix.

Cantina Band
Ragtime meets Star Wars in this Martin Spitznagel & Bryan Wright piano duet.

I guess there won't be any more Britian's Got Talent videos for awhile. So enjoy these last few videos from the 2009 final.

Here's the second best dance group on the show this year.

Aidan Davis
I didn't think this was his best performance on the show, but it's still good.

Best Of The Rest:

1. Derek Paravicini is blind & disabled, but can play back any song after hearing it just once. CLICK HERE FOR The Human iPod

2. Mackenzie Dustman did a great job with this lyrical solo choreographed by Orialis Serrano. CLICK HERE FOR First Love

3. Here's an original song from Rebecca Shearing. CLICK HERE FOR Take Me Away

4. Sarah LaMantia takes on a Keith Urban song. CLICK HERE FOR Tonight I Wanna Cry

5. Here's the latest cover from YouTuber Passion. CLICK HERE FOR Someone

6. This is mildly entertaining, but because of the title I feel compelled to link to it. CLICK HERE FOR Thy Best Music Video Ever

7. Se-yang created some cool jazz choreography for a Britney Spears song. CLICK HERE FOR Kill The Light

8. rehdogg said he would be working on a track for Spintown this weekend, but for now this will do. CLICK HERE FOR Desperate Times Again

9. Mike Lombardo sent me a link to this on Twitter, but I would have linked to it anyways since I subscribe to him on YouTube. CLICK HERE FOR Crawling In The Dark

10. Dr. Tiki tweeted about this funked-out version of the 2001: A Space Odyssey a short while ago. CLICK HERE FOR Funky Space

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