Where Music & Dance Fall Face First Into The Internet

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Simple Things

Yesterday at 5:26AM I noticed that @miamilegacy (Legacy who was just on "So You Think You Can Dance") retweeted the link to my dance blog. I checked to see how many views I had at that point, and now 21 hours later I've had over 500 views more then is usual for me in a 24 hour period. So thank you Legacy.

I'm not asking everyone who reads this to go out & tweet a Spintown link, but I would ask that if you see something you like in the future to comment on it, rate it & even subscribe in some cases. I don't care if you say "FIRST!" or "This yellow nearly f'in' blinded me." With the exception a few people that comment fairly regularly, this place feels like a Ghost Town.

Sometimes a simple comment can lead to another comment, a retweet leads to 4 new subscribers, and other little things that seem meaningless...do have meaning when looked at together. So don't go out of your way to promote Spintown & other sites you may like, but a little feedback once in awhile is really helpful. Thanks to everyone who has given feedback up to this point, it's appreciated.

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