Where Music & Dance Fall Face First Into The Internet

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Song Fight Review: Crashing Car, Awarding Stars

The last challenge over at Song Fight was titled "You Believed It Yourself", and I predicted that King Arthur would win. I was wrong but very close, Longfellow Street got the win, and I had them ranked 2nd. There's a whole new batch of songs over at Song Fight, so I suggest you go pick your favorite songs for the current round. My picks are listed below.

Sometimes you see a prompt and think, "OOOOoooo, this should be a fun fight." Then there are others when you think, "What the hell are they thinking?" This current fight falls under that second example. Crashing cars makes you think demolition derby...tragic car wrecks...lives being suddenly altered...not all that bad really. But why throw in the second part which makes you think of getting gold stars in school or videogames? Separate neither would be terrible, but together it leaves little ways to make the prompt an integral part of the story. Honestly the only thing I thought made since was a bunch of songs about racing videogames (or drivers ED)...AND NONE OF YOU DID A MARIO KART SONG!?! WTF?!? *sigh* I expected very little after seeing the prompt...I got just that...

Voted For:
(Right Click "Save As" on the artist's name for a MP3 of their entry.)

Steve Durand - Ok...I think Steve found the perfect topic for his song. A march about the National Highway Traffic Safety Agency...didn't pop to my mind when I read the prompt, but it is the perfect fit. Topic aside, the song was just a lot of fun. It had me using my pen as a pretend baton at my desk. Very creative...best song this round. (Congrats on your 100th solo effort in Song Fight.)

Billy's Little Trip - This is the type of entry I expected. I think there's a few games that fit better than Grand Theft Auto, but honestly I don't play that game so I could be wrong. It was a fun song, vocals weren't great, but the videogame historian in me loves this kind of stuff. Well done.

(Head over to Song Fight to listen to these songs.)

MC Horse And The Handlers - It didn't make me want to turn it off after 30 seconds... I've enjoyed it a little more each time I've listened (just 3 times). I'd love it if you posted the lyrics in the "Ye Olde Lyric Archive". This almost got a vote...just missed.

DJ Superstar Satan - It's a sad day when an instrumental is my 4th favorite song in a fight. I liked the car horns...could have used some more car sound effects though & nothing made me think of 'awarding stars'. I think some different sound effects were needed toward the end, as it got dull & repetitive...but in this fight dull & repetitive gets you 4th...so yaaaaayyy?

Side Notes:
Poor prompts don't have to make poor songs, but they sure don't help make great fights.


  1. This is probably the shortest SongFight review I've ever seen from you.

  2. Well it was a poor fight...and besides...I've got SpinTune songs to review as well. :p
