Where Music & Dance Fall Face First Into The Internet

Monday, August 20, 2012


An Unfair And One-Sided Review by Sammy Kablam & Howie Kapow
SpinTunes #5 Round 2

You can leave comments for Howie below, on Ocean Of Bees, YouTube or on Twitter.

(Normally people seem to put the disclaimers at the bottom, but this should probably go up top...and in bold. Sammy & Howie's reviews do not reflect that of Spintown's, and have no influence over the contest whatsoever. The over the top reviews in Sammy's "NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT" series aren't meant to be 'constructive', and you should read the sub title. If you think he's picking on you...just listen the reviews he wrote for the others...he can be an equal opportunity ass. - Spin)

1 comment:

  1. It was all good until you started ripping Mariah Mercedes for ripping off Metallica. Give me a break, it's just a few chords. Not a big deal. Songs are melodies.
