Where Music & Dance Fall Face First Into The Internet

Monday, June 17, 2024

House Of Cards

This was written for Nur Ein XIX Round 5. The title had to be "House Of Cards", and it had to include a breakdown in the song.

There's not really a lot in Minecraft that could fall apart like a house of cards. After thinking awhile, the closest thing I could think of was parkour speed runs. The further you go without screwing up is on par with building a house of cards higher & higher. 1 mistake & everything falls apart & you have to start over. So my song topic was someone speed running a parkour course. For the music I wanted some sort of electronic dance track. After listening to various genres I typically avoid, I gave Joe a list of possible genres like chillwave, synthwave, syn-pop, electro-disco & dance pop. He did the rest.

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